Paradise Intermediate

Have a Safe and Enjoyable Summer. 

Good Luck to our Grade 9 Graduates. 

PI uses the Safe Arrival app to report student absences 

Families are encouraged to visit the NLESD Bus Portal for information regarding busing for the current school year. 

7 Day Calendar 2023-2024 - Sheet1.pdf

Important Dates

Sept 6 School Opens for Students

Sept 21 Curriculum Night 

Sept 28 School Picture Day (All Grades)

Oct 2 Truth & Reconciliation Holiday

Oct 9 Thanksgiving Holiday

Oct 18 PL Day - No School for Students

Nov 13 Remembrance Day Holiday

Nov 20 PL Day - No School for Students

Nov 30 Term 1 Reports Distributed

Nov 30 OPTIS opens to book interviews

Dec 4-8 Book Fair

Dec 7 Term 1 Interviews

Dec 20 Last Day before Christmas Break

Jan 2 School Reopens after Christmas

Jan 24 Bell Let's Talk Day

Feb 7 Ministerial PL - No school for students. 

Feb 28 Pink Shirt Day

Mar 8 PL Day - No School for Students

Mar 18-21 Book Fair

Mar 19 Term 2 Reports Distributed

Mar 21 Term 2 Parent/Teacher Meetings

Mar 22 PL Day - No School for Students

Mar 28 Last Day before Easter Break

Apr 8 School Reopens after Easter

May 16 Night of the Arts

May 20 Victoria Day Holiday

May 30 Multicultural Fair

May 31 PL Day - No school for students

Jun 7 PL Day - No school for students

Jun 13 Grade 9 School Leaving 

June 14 DARE Graduation - Grade 6

Jun 20 Last Day of School for Students

Jun 21 Administration Day


If you would like to help Paradise intermediate with raising some funds for activities and items in our school, please consider us when you are dropping your recycling at local recycling depots. You only need to put in our school account number 782-1867.  Every bit helps. Thank you.