Paradise Intermediate
Welcome Back for the 2024-25 School Year
PI uses the Safe Arrival app to report student absences
Families are encouraged to visit the NLESD Bus Portal for information regarding busing for the current school year.
Responsible Cell Phone Policy
During the school day, cell phones are not permitted to be out or used in the school building. They must remain in lockers while students are in the building (even during recess and lunch periods). This includes in the hallways and bathrooms during class and between classes. If students are found using their cell phones, they will be asked to put them in their locker.
Our school clothing store has reopened for new orders! If you would like to purchase PI merchandise, please click here. Order deadline is October 2nd.
Fall Fundraiser
Our fall fundraiser is ongoing and the jackpot is rising by the day! Our current prize pay out is $2500!! Get your tickets in by Tuesday, November 5th for your chance to win our early bird prize pack that includes a Gift Certificate for a free Hockey Summer Camp offered by Delaney's Hockey School valued at over $500.
As extra tickets are going fast and are limited, we ask families to please return any unsold tickets to the school.
Extra tickets available upon request by emailing
Grand Prize Draw will take place on Tuesday, November 26th.
Good luck to all and thank you for your support!
Important Dates
Feb. 27th - Kids Eat Smart - Breakfast Blitz
Feb. 26th - Pink Shirt Day
Feb. 21st - 24th - Mid winter Break
Feb.10th - 14th - Teacher Appreciation Week
Feb. 7th - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
Feb. 5th - Course selection meeting - Grade 9 Families - MPSH @ 7PM
Jan. 27th Term 2 Begins
Jan. 20th - 24th - Mid Term Exams
Jan. 6th - School Reopens after Christmas Break (Day 7)
Dec 20th - Christmas Break begins.
Dec. 18th - Drama Performance
Dec. 13th - Professional Learning Day - No School for Students
Dec. 11th & 12th - Holiday Concert
Dec. 5th - Term 1 Family Interviews
Dec. 3rd - Term 1 Reports Distributed
Dec. 2nd - 5th - Scholastic Book Fair
Nov. 26th - 27th - Stuff the Bus Food Drive
Nov. 22nd - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
Nov. 11th - Remembrance Day - No school for students
Nov 6th - Professional Learning Day - No school for students.
Nov. 5th Picture Retake Day
Oct. 14th - Thanksgiving Holiday - No school for students.
Oct. 7th - 11th - Food Drive .
Oct. 2nd - Kids Eat Smart Walk to Breakfast
Oct. 2nd - School Clothing Store Closes
Sept. 30th - National Day of Truth & Reconciliation - No school for students.
Sept. 27th - Orange Shirt Day
Sept. 26th - School Picture Day
Sept. 20th - Terry Fox Walk
Sept. 19th - Paradise Intermediate Open House / Curriculum Night
Sept. 11th - Online School Clothing Store Opens
Sept. 9th - Cafeteria services begins.
Sept. 9th - Student data forms due on RYCOR
Sept. 4th - First day of school for students. It will be day 1 on our schedule.
Sept. 4th - Grade 7, 8, 9 students may begin leaving property for lunch.
Our school Recycling Team has started for another year. All proceeds from our recycling funds go directly back into the school to provide to our students and support various activities throughout the year. When dropping off your recycling at any Depot, please consider supporting our recycling team, and our school, by entering our school account number, 7821867. Thank you to our community for your continued support.
Bell Schedule
8:15 - Doors opening / supervision begins
8:25 - Warning bell
8:30 - Homeroom
8:40 - Period 1
9:37 - Period 2
10:34 - Recess
10:49 - Period 3
11:46 - Lunch Begins
12:36 - Period 4
1:33 - Period 5
2:30 - Dismissal